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Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, City, University of London

Neil Saunders is a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics at the City, University of London. His research focuses on geometric and combinatorial aspects of representation theory - the study of abstract symmetry. He also has interests in music, language, AI and philosophy of mind.

Neil has a PhD in Pure Mathematics from the University of Sydney and has worked as a research fellow at the University of Bristol, the EPFL in Switzerland and at City University of London.

Neil has published in research educational journals on mathematics education and is a referee for the London Review of Education.

He is recognised as a Senior Fellow of Advance HE for sustained leadership in mathematics education in the UK, and has given numerous talks about various teaching methodologies in HE and how that is affected by secondary school education.


  • 2024–present
    Senior Lecturer, City, University of London
  • 2017–2024
    Senior Lecturer, University of Greenwich
  • 2016–2017
    Postdoctoral research fellow, City, University of London
  • 2015–2016
    Postdoctoral research fellow, EPFL Switzerland
  • 2012–2015
    Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Bristol
  • 2011–2012
    Associate lecturer, The University of Sydney


  • 2011 
    University of Sydney, Pure Mathematics
  • 2006 
    University of Sydney, BSc Advanced Mathematics